
Eco Warriors help keep San Clemente beaches clean!
February 8, 2021
North Beach Clean Up
Left to Right: Lesley Bindloss, Rosa Kinoshita, Elyse Crane, Kieu Doan, Ocean-guest from Facebook page, Betsy Dunn and Greg Dunn. Not pictured: Susan Reveal, Simone Costes and Weej Baggaley. Photo © Weej Baggaley
March 8, 2021
This group of Eco Warriors made a remarkable difference in a short period of time by collecting trash on the beach. Help Keep Our Beaches Clean!
Standing: Greg Dunn, Betsy Dunn, Kieu Doan, Sherry Christensen, Mary Mohr, Barbara, Launa Gould, Rosa Kinoshita. Kneeling in Front are: Weej Baggaley and TBD. Photo © Weej Baggaley
April 19, 2021
Participating in the beach cleanup on a beautiful morning were: Pictured Standing: Lesley Bindloss, Sherry Christensen, Terry, Matt Duncan, Donna, Karen, Rosa Kinoshita. Kneeling: Lynn, Sylvia Stevenson, Kieu Doan, and Weej Baggaley. Photo © Weej Baggaley
August 30, 2021
Making a difference on the beach were Matt Duncan, Weej Baggaley, Lesley Bindloss, Lynn, Kieu Doan, Susan and Rosa Kinoshita. In a short time, they were able to fill their bags with trash that would have washed back into the ocean. Photo © Weej Baggaley
August 30, 2021
Seven bags full of trash. When was the last time you visited our local beaches? Grab a trash bag and take a stroll down the beach and pick up any trash you happen to see. Photo © Weej Baggaley
September 27, 2021
Participating in the beach clean up were: Matt Duncan, Rosa Kinoshita, Weej Baggaley, Kieu Doan, Lesley Bindloss and Lynn. Not Pictured: Donna. Photo © Weej Baggaley