Upcoming Events
The San Clemente Garden Club offers our members a variety of unique events. Everything from community engagement activities and garden tours/field trips to master classes on gardening and everything in-between.
Scroll down to see some of the upcoming events the club has to offer. Then sign up or attend a meeting—you don’t want to miss out.

Fall Plant Sale Set-Up Day
Join your fellow garden club members at the San Clemente Community Center to set up for the Fall Plant Sale. Wear gloves and bring a pruner to help clean up plants before putting them on display.
See you there!

Cancelled - Casa Romantica Civic Beautification
CANCELLED - Civic Beautification at Casa Romantica has been cancelled for the month of September.

September General Meeting
Meetings are held at St. Andrew's Methodist Church, 2001 Calle Frontera, San Clemente, CA on the first Wednesday of the month—September through June at 1 o’clock PM. You can join the club by clicking here or by showing up at any monthly garden club meeting. Join now and your membership materials and name tag will be ready for you on the check-in table at the next meeting.
Bob Gordon, M.D., Master Falconer and his Partner Huxley
September’s Guest Speaker will be Dr. Gordon, who will help us expand our knowledge of the natural history of local raptors and the birds of prey we welcome to our landscape as partners in controlling the gophers, mice, rats, and other rodents who assume our gardens are being maintained for their sole pleasure. A master falconer, Dr. Gordon gives regular monthly presentation on birds of prey, falconry and human/wildlife interaction at the San Diego Natural History Museum and the Mission Trails Regional Park’s Visitor Center accompanied by his winged partner Huxley, a Harris Hawk, perched on his fist to make sure he gets things right.
Civic Beautification - Casa Romantica
Get to know your fellow garden club members by joining them on the 3rd Wednesday of each month as we prune and weed the gardens at Casa Romantica.
Casa Romantica needs our support more than ever.
If you have any questions, please contact Kieu Doan at kieuduyendoan@gmail.com

Civic Beautification - Park Semper Fi
Get to know your fellow garden club members by joining them on the 2nd Wednesday of each month as we prune and weed the native gardens at Park Semper Fi.
If you have any questions, please contact Kieu Doan at kieuduyendoan@gmail.com
Civic Beautification - Casa Romantica
Get to know your fellow garden club members by joining them on the 3rd Wednesday of each month as we prune and weed the gardens at Casa Romantica.
Casa Romantica needs our support more than ever.
If you have any questions, please contact Kieu Doan at kieuduyendoan@gmail.com

Civic Beautification - Park Semper Fi
Get to know your fellow garden club members by joining them on the 2nd Wednesday of each month as we prune and weed the native gardens at Park Semper Fi.
If you have any questions, please contact Kieu Doan at kieuduyendoan@gmail.com
Civic Beautification - Casa Romantica
Get to know your fellow garden club members by joining them on the 3rd Wednesday of each month as we prune and weed the gardens at Casa Romantica.
Casa Romantica needs our support more than ever.
If you have any questions, please contact Kieu Doan at kieuduyendoan@gmail.com

Civic Beautification - Park Semper Fi
Get to know your fellow garden club members by joining them on the 2nd Wednesday of each month as we prune and weed the native gardens at Park Semper Fi.
If you have any questions, please contact Kieu Doan at kieuduyendoan@gmail.com
Spring Social and Installation Luncheon
Location and Event Details to be announced at a later date
Civic Beautification - Casa Romantica
Get to know your fellow garden club members by joining them on the 3rd Wednesday of each month as we prune and weed the gardens at Casa Romantica.
Casa Romantica needs our support more than ever.
If you have any questions, please contact Kieu Doan at kieuduyendoan@gmail.com

Civic Beautification - Park Semper Fi
Get to know your fellow garden club members by joining them on the 2nd Wednesday of each month as we prune and weed the native gardens at Park Semper Fi.
If you have any questions, please contact Kieu Doan at kieuduyendoan@gmail.com
May Monthly Meeting
Meetings are held at St. Andrew's Methodist Church, 2001 Calle Frontera, San Clemente, CA on the first Wednesday of the month—September through June at 1 o’clock PM. You can join the club by clicking here or by showing up at any monthly garden club meeting. Join now and your membership materials and name tag will be ready for you on the check-in table at the next meeting.
Civic Beautification - Casa Romantica
Get to know your fellow garden club members by joining them on the 3rd Wednesday of each month as we prune and weed the gardens at Casa Romantica.
Casa Romantica needs our support more than ever.
If you have any questions, please contact Kieu Doan at kieuduyendoan@gmail.com

GardenFest 2024
GardenFest 2024 is proving to be event more exciting than previous years! Don’t Miss It!
Click the link below for more information.
GardenFest 2024 Set-Up
Join your fellow garden club members as we set up for GardenFest 2024

Civic Beautification - Park Semper Fi
Get to know your fellow garden club members by joining them on the 2nd Wednesday of each month as we prune and weed the native gardens at Park Semper Fi.
If you have any questions, please contact Kieu Doan at kieuduyendoan@gmail.com

April Monthly Meeting
Meetings are held at St. Andrew's Methodist Church, 2001 Calle Frontera, San Clemente, CA on the first Wednesday of the month—September through June at 1 o’clock PM. You can join the club by clicking here or by showing up at any monthly garden club meeting. Join now and your membership materials and name tag will be ready for you on the check-in table at the next meeting.
Composting: It’s a Pile of Fun!
Attendees of this month’s meeting will learn the value of composting by Francene Kaplan, the “Priestess of Rot.” Dr. Kaplan has been trained and certified as a Master Composter and has been “recycling Nature’s way” for over four decades.
You will find out there are lots of “Dos,” a few “Don’ts,” and many “Maybes” regarding composting. While there is a general method, each family is different and contributes uniquely to the compost pile. Any household can compost its green and brown waste to eventually yield organic matter that enriches soil. The basic set up will be presented along with suggestions for those that are experienced in composting, and all are welcome to contribute to the discussion.
In this talk Dr. Kaplan will help you navigate a path to make your compost bin a thriving ecosystem. Dr. Kaplan has taught science for over 36 years. You may have seen her at the Orange County Fair presenting a composting workshop, encouraging others to start a “pile of fun” of their own.
Civic Beautification - Casa Romantica
Get to know your fellow garden club members by joining them on the 3rd Wednesday of each month as we prune and weed the gardens at Casa Romantica.
Casa Romantica needs our support more than ever.
If you have any questions, please contact Kieu Doan at kieuduyendoan@gmail.com