Guest Speakers
In an on-going effort to continue to provide educational opportunities to club members and guests, a guest speaker is invited to the monthly garden club meeting. The topics are varied. A question and answer period immediately follows each presentation.
2024 - 2025 Guest Speakers
September 2024
Dr. Gordon will help us expand our knowledge of the natural history of local raptors and the birds of prey we welcome to our landscape as partners in controlling the gophers, mice, rats, and other rodents who assume our gardens are being maintained for their sole pleasure. A master falconer, Dr. Gordon gives regular monthly presentations on birds of prey, falconry, and human/wildlife interaction at the San Diego Natural History Museum and the Mission Trails Regional Park’s Visitor Center accompanied by his winged partner Huxley, a Harris Hawk, perched on his fist to make sure he gets things right.
October 2024
We are so blessed to have the premier Southern California native plant nursery in our own backyard! Rachel Davidson will guide us in best practices for planting and caring for the dizzying array of beautiful and regionally-adapted native plants available for our gardens. Rachel manages Casa La Paz, the retail outlet for Tree of Life Nursery.
November 2024
Lawn, lawn go away--but how to pay? If you’ve ever contemplated replacing a thirsty lawn with something more sustainable, be sure to attend this month’s meeting. Laura will guide you through the many rebates available through the two water districts that serve the San Clemente community. As a Landscape Designer, Laura has been replacing grass with beautiful and sustainable landscaping in southern Orange County for over 12 years. She also serves as our garden club’s ‘stump the chump’ and is on the board as co-chair of the programs committee
January 2025
President and CEO, Dr. Novy is a plant biologist with a wide range of expertise in plant science and education. Before joining the San Diego Botanic Garden, he was chief scientist at the Leichtag Foundation, also in Encinitas, CA, and before that, Executive Director of the United States Botanic Garden in Washington, DC. He is the author of numerous peer-reviewed scientific papers and regularly speaks on various horticultural and botanical topics nationally and internationally. Dr. Novy completed his graduate work at Rutgers University in New Jersey, where he conducted research on plant population genetics, invasive species, plant conservation, horticultural improvement, agronomic risk assessment, beekeeping management, plant evolution, and agricultural economics and policy. He remains an active researcher, holding an appointment as Adjunct Associate Professor at Salk Institute for Biological Studies
February 2025
Sweetgrass Gardens was created to combine the creativity from a career in fine art, sculpture and floral design. Chelsea Wesley is taking her love of texture, color, and form and combining it with her lifelong passion for plants and gardening. She creates gardens that are installation art, an ever-changing joy for the senses.
She is passionate about creating habitat for pollinators in ecological designs. She often includes edible plants, natives and food forest principles into her designs to create places for people and wildlife to enjoy together.
Chelsea’s education is from Orange Coast and Saddleback Colleges in art and landscape design. She is also a certified nursery professional and garden coach leading a busy life of studio design and project management. Find her picking our plants at the local nursery during the week and hiking through the sagebrush on the weekends.
March 2025
Laurie Menosky has been a long-time resident of South Orange County and an avid gardener for most of those years. Gardening in a coastal area and its unique micro-climate gives her unique perspective to some of the struggles and challenges that other areas in the county do not deal with.
Since becoming a Master Gardener (MG) in 2007, she has volunteered at many venues, including the Orange County Fair, The Heritage Museum, Santa Ana Zoo and the Irvine Ranch Rose Garden. She has been actively involved as a speaker for the MG program and has logged over 100 presentations as either a speaker or a host. She has recently earned her Gold Badge which is awarded to members who have completed 1,000 volunteer hours.
Laurie enjoys growing a pollinator friendly garden along with succulents, roses, tomatoes and onions.
April 2025
Melissa Rapp is a recently retired physician and a lifelong gardener. Melissa became a Master Gardener of Orange County in 2022 and has been participating in the Speaker’s Bureau since completing training. Melissa has also taken part in other MG projects such as Propagation, Emerging Tree Pests, Sherman Gardens and mentoring new trainees.
Melissa serves on the Sea and Sage Audubon Society Board and co-chairs the Tackling Climate and Trash Conservation subcommittee. As a Master Food Preserver of Orange County, she enjoys teaching about preserving what you grow. Melissa has a particular interest in growing orchids and will be presenting on caring for orchids.
Come and learn about growing these beautiful and exotic plants! While growing orchids can be intimidating, learn the secrets to being successful.
May 2025
“Laguna Beach Photographer” on Instagram - is the lead photojournalist for the StuNewsLaguna.com She creates headshots and photographs events for the City of Laguna Beach and has been a full-time portrait photographer since 2008.
In the Art of Photography for Gardens, you will learn how to find good light, the rule of thirds, filling the frame, making the background work, composition and shallow depth of field, while adding randomness and creativity to your photograph when using your cell phone camera. Bonus: posing tips for looking fabulous when having your picture taken!
2023 - 2024 Guest Speakers
September 2023
Bill Brooks has graciously agreed to be the September guest speaker and will be sharing his wealth of knowledge about the flora of the Channel Islands.
After retiring from 40 years of teaching sixth, seventh, and eighth grade, Bill now works at UC Irvine supervising math and science student teachers. He has been a master gardener since 2019, and is the co-lead for the training class for the new class of master gardeners. He is one of several master gardeners who hosts the weekly radio show ‘In The Garden’ on 88.9 KUCI. During his tenure as president of the Doheny State Beach Interpretive Association, he raised several hundred thousand dollars to remodel the visitor center and aquariums. He also serves on the Board of Education for Kinetic Academy and on the advisory board for the Irvine Public Schools Foundation.
This will be a most interesting and informative guest speaker. One you will not want to miss.
October 2023
October’s guest speaker is Gabe Verduzco. Growing up in the Central San Joaquin Valley in Kingsburg, Gabe knew nothing about gardening. In his teens, he began growing tomatoes, pumpkins and his favorite corn, Vision, from seed catalogs. He enjoyed the outdoors- nature, bugs, and other critters were enticing to him. When he was almost 16, he began working with the USDA, working for plant pathologists and plant breeders. They were conducting various experiments to find organic methods to prolong the life of fruit and breed new varieties of table grapes and stone fruit. It is when they let him use the greenhouse to start his seeds that really helped him get into the plant world.
Gabe obtained his degree in Plant Science from Fresno State and began working for Filoli Gardens, the botanic garden in Woodside after that he moved to Oahu to start a small fruit farm and surf! Upon returning to the mainland, in 2017 he landed a role as Staff Research Associate at the University of California Cooperative Extension, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. His job was to examine trees for infestations, document the severity, and then map them for future treatment or removal. Now he works part-time for Center for Natural Lands Management as a park ranger at our local nature preserves; Dana Point Headlands and Marblehead in San Clemente. Full time, he is now a Regional Arborist Advisor for Rainbow Ecoscience.
In his off time, Gabe is dedicated to surfing and tending to his little garden in Capistrano Beach and he volunteers in managing social media for the Orange County Chapter of the California Native Plant Society.
November 2023
The November guest speaker is Kathe Hayden. Kathe has over 40 years’ experience in the floral industry designing and teaching her craft. She has served on the California State Floral Association and ran the California State Certified Florist program.
Her program will share with you some rules and creative ideas to make centerpieces for all occasions that will WOW your dinner guests. She will help you think outside the box when it comes to adoring your table with flowers.
Come prepared with pen and paper to take some notes so that you are ready to create awesome centerpieces for the upcoming holidays.
January 2024
Explore the fascinating world of the kingdom of fungi with our January guest speaker, anateur mycologist Joanne Schwartz. She will describe methods for locating and identifying wild mushrooms in Southern California and beyond, as well as understanding their place in nature—oaks, pines, orchids and more are dependent on fungal associations.
We will hear tales of fungal folklore and consider eating and growing them. Joanne will bring her collection of mushroom hunting gear and ID resources, and mushrooms too, if they are fruiting locally.
Her recent collecting has focused in the Redwoods and southern Sierra, as well as Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and throughout Orange County. Her presentation will feature recent finds from these locations and others.
Joanne is an avid amateur mycologist, having studied fungi since the 1960’s. She has collected and photographed fungi throughout the new and old world and has participated in field studies in Japan, Peru and Bolivia as well as the Redwoods of coastal California. Always searching for fungi to study, photograph and identify, Joanne is often found looking down while hiking. She is also an eager mycologist (fungi eater) and prepares wild fungi for tasting and for the dinner table whenever possible.
February 2024
Sally Richards is a master gardener who has been growing vegetables in soilless hydroponic systems for years. Come learn how to grow a bounty of fresh food with minimal water, very little space and no pests!
March 2024
Our March guest speaker, Florence LeFranc, is a Certified Medicinal Herbalist, Certified Nutrition Therapist, and a Cosmetic and Supplement formulator.
She offers health related consultations online. She has developed her own brand of herbal products and formulates and manufactures products for other companies.
She also loves to share her knowledge and enjoys hosting workshops. She will speak about the common herbs we can grow in our garden, how to grow them and their medicinal properties, the different ways of using herbs daily (addition to food, brewed as a tea, skin ointments) and the quality of herbs and how to choose them.
Florence will share an abundance of knowledge. Be sure to bring pen and paper in case there is anything she shares that you don’t want to forget!
April 2024
Attendees of this month’s meeting will learn the value of composting by Francene Kaplan, the “Priestess of Rot.” Dr. Kaplan has been trained and certified as a Master Composter and has been “recycling Nature’s way” for over four decades.
You will find out there are lots of “Dos,” a few “Don’ts,” and many “Maybes” regarding composting. While there is a general method, each family is different and contributes uniquely to the compost pile. Any household can compost its green and brown waste to eventually yield organic matter that enriches soil. The basic set up will be presented along with suggestions for those that are experienced in composting, and all are welcome to contribute to the discussion.
In this talk Dr. Kaplan will help you navigate a path to make your compost bin a thriving ecosystem. Dr. Kaplan has taught science for over 36 years. You may have seen her at the Orange County Fair presenting a composting workshop, encouraging others to start a “pile of fun” of their own.
2022 - 2023 Guest Speakers
Tom Carruth
Rose Collection at the Huntington Gardens
September 2022
Our September speaker is Southern California’s foremost rose expert, Mr. Tom Carruth. Mr. Carruth has created more than 100 rose varieties, including 11 All-America Rose Selections. He is currently the E.L. and Ruth B Shannon Curator of the Rose Collection at the Huntington Library and Gardens in San Marino. A Texas native, Mr. Carruth knew at an early age that he wanted a career working with flowers. A high school class on genetics and plant breeding led him right to his career path. With a masters degree in plant breeding under his belt, he began work at Jackson and Perkins rose nursery. This led to a position with Weeks Roses where he worked for 26 years in sales, rose breeding and finally as their chief hybridizer. After retirement in 2012 Tom accepted the position at the Huntington. In the 10 years he’s been there he has transformed what was a sad rose garden into the most glorious display of roses on the West Coast with more than 4000 shrubs on display.
UC Master Gardeners Speakers Bureau
Insects In Your Garden
October 2022
Ewww, gross! Is that what you think about those insects in your garden?
Learn multiple techniques for effective pest control that are the least toxic for your home environment. UC Master Gardeners of Orange County will provide you with the latest information on a variety of methods to keep those bad pests away, and encourage the beneficial insects, all while protecting the environment.
Kim Neal
Upcycled Garden Art using Sea Glass and Other Random Objects
November 2022
The practice of reusing and recycling objects to create new works of art is known in the art world as upcycling. When creating upcycled art, you begin by taking something that would otherwise have a different purpose and give it new life by re-imagining its use.
In our own gardens, we frequently have old pots and planters, garden tools and a plethora of other items that are now gathering dust. But what if they could become something new to adorn your own garden? These items can also be upcycled and used as outdoor holiday décor. Kim Neal will be discussing and showing examples of new and innovative ways you can create upcycled art in your own gardens
Marv Benda
January 2023
Marv Benda will share his passion and expertise on succulents. A retired Dana Hills teacher, Marv will share his many unusual succulents with us as well as give tips on their “care and feeding” and how to use them decoratively in planters for home and patio. We are hoping he will bring some of his specimens so we can shop and add or start a collection.
Paul F. Wilson
Doheny Ocean Desalination Project
February 2023
Our scheduled speaker Dr. Gordon had to cancel his talk on birds of prey. We will certainly reschedule him for next year.
Our speaker this month will be Paul F. Wilson. Paul is a retired water/wastewater engineer who worked for Malcolm Pirnie/Arcadis, an environmental consulting firm, from 1998 to 2014. Before that, he worked with other public entities and professional consulting firms that have afforded him the privilege of working on a wide variety of water and wastewater treatment projects throughout Southern California including the design of the Carlsbad Desalination Facility, which produces 50 millions gallons per day of drinking water by desalting ocean water. Paul will give a presentation on the Doheny Ocean Desalination Project. He is not affiliated with the project, but he has the background and knowledge to deliver a thorough understanding of the scope and breadth of the undertaking
Emily Wanous
The Ecology Center
March 2023
Emily Wanous, Community Relations and Marketing Coordinator, will begin with an overview of The Ecology Center’s mission and programs. Emily will go over the importance of regenerative agriculture and how folks can integrate regenerative practices (integration of animals, cover cropping, no/low till, perennial plants, etc.) in their own homes and gardens. There will be a discussion of what permaculture is and how we can live more sustainably in our day-to-day lives. She will share easy tips that we can adopt to manage our resources better, such as putting a brick in the back of your toilet to save 1/4 gallon of water every time you flush!
Stephanie Knight
Sendero Farm
April 2023
Stephanie Knight, horticulturalist and Community Farmer at The Farm at Rancho Mission Viejo, will speak to us about the burgeoning category of urban farming. She’s passionate about teaching people skills to grow their own kitchen garden and to connect with plants in a meaningful and holistic way. Planned communities nationwide are incorporating community gardens into their master plans for the betterment of their inhabitants. Whether you’re an amateur or seasoned vegetable grower, Stephanie will surely offer useful and practical information you can apply to your own gardens. Her lecture will focus on warm season edible crops, what to sow/plant in April, companion planting, and when and how to harvest. More about Stephanie: • South Orange County native, Dana Point resident for 25 years. • Community Farmer at RMV Farms since 2016. • Professional tea blender since 2008. • Garden & tea workshop speaker at Casa Romantica since 2017. • Horticulture Dept. instructor at Saddleback College since 2022
Nina Ostensen and Kathy Fowler
Gifts From Your Garden
May 2023
Homemade food gifts are always remembered because they are personal and come from the heart. Discover how to make fun and creative edible gifts from your garden for friends and family.
Nina Ostensen and Kathy Fowler (both of whom are Master Gardeners and Master Food Preservers) will share their ideas and recipes for this special “Gifts From Your Garden” talk and demonstration.
And, you just might get to sample some delicious food too!
2021 - 2022 Guest Speakers
Elizabeth Wallace
California Native Plants
September 2021
Three years ago, Elizabeth Wallace embarked on a landscaping project for the nonprofit Teen Project in Trabuco Canyon. Her goal was to rehabilitate a residential acreage and create nature gardens that are healing for residents and wildlife. The 12-acre site now features a butterfly garden as its centerpiece, as well as vegetable gardens, restored coastal sage scrub slopes, and nature-friendly front yards. Future plans include a nature park for children and adults, and a bird-sanctuary garden.
Nan Sterman
Hot Color, Dry Garden: Color-Filled & Waterwise-Colorful Plants
October 2021
Confused About Color?
Designing a garden with color is exciting, but it can also be a little challenging to know where to start. Join Nan Sterman, garden designer, author, and award-winning communicator as she tells us where to fnd inspiration for color and uncommon color combinations in our gardens.
This will be a most entertaining and inspiring presentation; you won’t want to miss it! And you’ll walk away with more knowledge than you came with!
Al Klein
Succulent Bonsai
November 2021
Looking for a new gardening project?
Growing succulents as “bonsai” is fun and rewarding. It’s an art form that has its roots in traditional bonsai. Al Klein from Botanic Wonders Nursery in Escondido will be on hand to demonstrate how to create and care for succulent bonsai.
He will also bring a variety of plants for purchase.
Are you ready to create your own masterpiece?
Gillian Martin
The Wonderful Life of a Dying Tree
January 2022
Learn about a dead tree’s surprising contribution to the health and sustainability of forests. You are unlikely to view a dead tree the same way again.
The club welcomes back Gillian Martin, of the Cavity Conservation Initiative, to tell us about a dead tree’s contribution to the health of forests—even the urban forest.
This talk is fascinating, you won’t want to miss it.
Brian Taylor
Gardening on a Grand Scale: Talega
February 2022
A gardener’s work is never done. There are always new plants, new ideas, new bugs, new sprinkler leaks, more things to repair or replace. Now imagine your garden is 1,500 acres, and the existing hardscape on your lot includes 3,850 residential units, roads, tennis courts, a clubhouse, plus pools, schools, parks, and a shopping center. Overseeing all this is Brian Taylor, Executive Director for Talega. Brian will speak to us about the evolution of the landscaping in Talega, what challenges the community faces, and something of how it all gets done.
Greg Rubin
California’s Own Native Landscape Design
March 2022
A native landscape can be an ecologically responsible way to create defensible space and protect your home from wildfire. Greg Rubin, who founded California’s Own Native Landscape Design, will discuss the research as well as general principles for successful native landscape design, installation, and maintenance.
Leeta Latham
Magnificent Seven
April 2022
The Nature Reserve at Mission Viejo is a habitat reserve with a wide array of flora and fauna.
Leeta Latham, Executive Director of the Reserve, will discuss seven of the endangered species on the reserve--what they are, where they live, and what laws protect them.
See how Nature Reserve lands are managed and monitored for the benefit of these species and what you can do to help.
Janice Munson
Cosmopolitan Coyotes
May 2022
Let’s talk about coyotes!
Of course, we’ve all seen coyotes on city trails and even walking along sidewalks right here in San Clemente.
Janice Munson, a conservation coach for the CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, will be speaking about mitigating your encounters with wildlife within city limits--especially coyotes.