Become a Donor or Sponsor
Make a Donation
Please Read Instructions Below
By clicking the button above, you can make a Donation in Memory of Betsy Dunn or a General SCGC Donation. The button above will allow you to make your donation via credit card. When completing your donation via credit card, please enter the amount of your donation in the quantity field. For example, to make a $25.00 donation, enter 25 in the quantity field.
If you wish to make a donation by check, please make your check payable to San Clemente Garden Club and note that it is In Memory of Betsy Dunn or is a General SCGC donation. Checks should be mailed to: Mike Gould, 1212 Avenida Buena Suerte, San Clemente, CA 92672-2348.
The San Clemente Garden Club is a California Registered 501(c) Non-Profit Organization; you can write off any donation on your taxes accordingly. A receipt will be emailed or mailed to you within ten (10) days. The receipt will specify the type of donation made.
Contact us at GardenClubSC@gmail.com for more details or make your donation by clicking the button above.