Blue Star Memorial By-Way Marker
In May of 1988 a Blue Star Memorial By-Way Marker was placed under the flagpole at the San Clemente Community Center. It was dedicated on May 30, 1988 during the Memorial Day Ceremony.
Over the past 34 years the weather and elements had taken its toll on the marker. It was showing its age and was sadly in needed of attention. In May of 2022, the marker was refurbished just in time for the Memorial Day Ceremony that took place three days after the refurbishment was completed.

After 33 years, the elements had taken a toll on the By-Way Marker. It was long past time for its original brilliance and luster to be brought back to life.
The Blue Star Memorial By-Way Marker can be found under the flagpole at the San Clemente Community Center
Day One: Removal Underway. Years of algae and dirt on the stone and paint and debris from the marker needed to be removed with paint stripper, cleaner and a wire brush.
After taping the stone off--the priming process began.
Day Two : First coat of primer completed. One more to go.
After the primer was applied, it was time for three coats of antique bronze paint. Four hours later (after the hurry-up-and-wait process between coats of primer and paint) the marker was already receiving praise from people as they walked by.
The priming and painting in-progress.
Day Three: The blue star and lettering all needed to be painted by hand.

The first coat of paint being applied.
The blue star and gold lettering took four coats of paint.

After hours of work, the Blue Star Memorial By-Way Marker is as beautiful as the day it was placed.