Welcome to GardenFest 2023
The San Clemente Garden Club wishes to give a heartfelt Thank You to everyone who attended the event on Saturday, April 15th.
Everyone—Attendees, Local Nurseries who so generourly donated plants, Vendors who not only showed up, but had lots of giveaways for the attendees, our local Artists and the many club volunteers—helped to raise money for the College Scholarship and Junior Gardeners programs. Additionally, this event helped to fund the Civic Beautification projects the club participates in within the City of San Clemente.
We invite you to take a few minutes to view the photos below from this years event.
Check Out Our Photos!
You can jump to the section on this page for the photos you would specifically like to view or you can scroll down the entire page.
If you are on a mobile device, some photos may display better by holding your device landscape (sideways).
Mary Mohr, once again, lent her time and energy by organizing this years Funky Container Contest. Lisa Spinelli, assisted by creating awesome signage for the event.
The contest included participation from the community and the club. This year's contest had eighteen amazing entries.
Looking closely at how the entry was assembled.

Checking out all the entries prior to casting their ballots.

Which one was your favorite entry?

Disaster Averted! Even though the entry crashed to the floor, it was quickly reassembled and even managed to WIN FIRST PRIZE!

Wow! There were so many great entries, it was difficult to decide.

We use a high-tech, sophisticated tic-mark system to tally the votes.

Entry Number One
Entry Number Three
Entry Number Two - Our Third Place Winner!

Entry Number Five
Entry Number Two - A crowd favorite and our 3rd Place Winner!
Entry Number Four

Entry Number Six

Entry Number Seven
Entry Number Eight

Entry Number Nine - Look closely its a bird. Do you see the wings?

Entry Number Nine - There's the beak!

Entry Number Nine - Our 2nd Place Winner
Entry Number Ten
Entry Number Eleven
Entry Number Twelve
Entry Number Thirteen
Entry Number Fourteen - The First Place Winner
Entry Number Fourteen - First Place
Entry Number Fifteen
Entry Number Sixteen
Entry Number Seventeen
Entry Number Eighteen
Friday Is Always Set Up Day

An entry line forms more than thirty minutes prior to doors opening!
This, highly anticipated, annual event is always well attended. Attendees from prior years know that the best plants sell quickly so they arrive early.
The Plant Sale!
The Plant Sale!
The line started with just a couple of people shortly after 7:15 AM
In just a few minutes, the line began to grow and grow
Shoppers who have been to a previous GardenFest or Fall Plant Sale showed up with wagons or carts.
The table were full before the doors opened
When the tables no longer had room to display, the floor caught the overflow
At the strike of 8 o'clock, the doors opened, and shoppers swarmed in
Many shoppers knew exactly what they were here for and headed straight to that section of the shop
Some brought their own shopping baskets, others used the shopping bags that were donated for the event
The shopping bags made it convenient for shoppers to carry plants in one hand while having a free hand to select additional plants
A steady stream of shoppers filed into the event
Mike Gould and Betsy Dunn manned the check-out table

Childrens Activities
Our San Clemente Artists!
The Flea Market
The Flea Market
Vendors and Supporting Nurseries
Farm Fresh To You
Butterfly education table
South Coast Water District
Master Gardeners
Master Gardeners Cleaning and Sharpening Tools
Butterfly Bill and Eunice providing education on Butterflies
The Master Gardeners were more than happy to explain how to care for your gardening tools
GardenFest 2023 Sponsors
Armstrong - Laguna Niguel
Beamus Landscaping
Dana Point Nursery
Laguna Nursery on the PCH
Plant Depot
Seaside Growers
Shore Gardens
Want to see more photos from GardenFest in prior years—Click the Photo Albums button
GardenFest is one of our important fundraisers, with proceeds going towards the San Clemente Garden Club College Scholarship and Junior Gardeners programs. Additionally, this sale helps to fund the Civic Beautification projects the club participates in within the City of San Clemente.